Hummingbirds are amazing little creatures that captivate people with their beauty and speedy flight. A common question many hummingbird enthusiasts have is if these tiny birds will actually land on a person. The quick answer is yes, hummingbirds may occasionally land on people but they typically prefer to perch on things like flowers and feeders.
Why hummingbirds land on people
There are a few key reasons why a hummingbird might land on a person:
- They are curious and exploring – Hummingbirds are naturally very inquisitive. If they see an unusual object like a human hand or head, they may briefly land on it out of curiosity.
- They are tired – Hummingbirds have very high metabolisms and must consume a lot of energy to power their rapid wing beats. If they become overtired, they may take a quick rest on a nearby landing spot which could be a person.
- They are seeking food – Hummingbirds are strongly attracted to anything red, which they associate with nectar-rich flowers. Clothing with red or bright colors may temporarily fool them into thinking they’ve found a feeding spot.
- They are territorial – Male hummingbirds are very territorial and may investigate any intruders by briefly landing on them.
So in most cases, a hummingbird will only land on a person for a few seconds before flying off again. They do not see humans as perches or food sources. The landing is brief and incidental, usually sparked by curiosity or confusion on the hummingbird’s part.
How to get a hummingbird to land on you
While you can’t make a hummingbird land on you, there are a few tips that may increase your chances:
- Wear bright red, orange, or pink clothing – These colors attract hummingbirds.
- Sit very still near hummingbird flowers or feeders – Movement will scare them away so be patient.
- Extend your hand slowly toward a nearby hummingbird – It may land briefly to inspect your hand.
- Put a small amount of sugar water or drops of nectar on your hand – The smell may draw their interest.
- Make a chirping or squeaking sound – Hummingbirds are vocal and may come check out an intriguing noise.
Even using these tricks, you can’t guarantee a hummingbird will land on you. They are wild animals and interact at their own discretion. The best approach is to sit quietly and let them come to you.
Is it safe to let a hummingbird land on you?
Generally yes, it is safe to allow a hummingbird to briefly land on your hand or other body part. Here are some points on hummingbird safety:
- Hummingbirds have very thin, delicate legs and feet adapted for perching not walking. So they will not cling, scratch, or grip you like a parrot.
- Their needle-like beaks are used only for feeding by licking up nectar. They cannot bite or break human skin.
- Hummingbirds carry very few contagious diseases transmittable to people.
- Let them land and fly off on their own. Attempting to grab or restrict their movement can injure their fragile bones.
- Wash your hands before and after contact to prevent any spread of mites or bacteria.
As long as you allow the hummingbird to land of its own accord and don’t make effort to restrict its movement, letting a hummingbird briefly walk on your hand is perfectly safe.
Do hummingbirds feel a connection or bond with people?
Hummingbirds do not form emotional bonds or interspecies relationships with humans or see people as a food source. However, some evidence suggests they can distinguish individual people and may show preference for certain humans who regularly feed or interact with them, including:
- They may allow some people to approach more closely than others.
- They may visit a regular caregiver’s feeder more frequently.
- They may exhibit territorial or guarding behavior against strangers but not their familiar feeder caretakers.
- Banded hummingbirds released and recaptured show returns to the same feeders and neighborhoods over time.
So while they do not feel an attachment to people per se, hummingbirds can recognize familiar individuals they associate with positive experiences like feeding and shelter.
How hummingbirds interact with humans
Most hummingbird-human interactions center around artificial feeders, flowering gardens, and other food sources provided by people. Here are some ways hummingbirds and humans commonly interact:
- At feeders – Hummingbirds drink nectar from feeders and may “guard” favored feeders from other birds and humans.
- In gardens – People plant bright flowers that attract hummingbirds to feed on the nectar.
- Through photography – Many people enjoy photographing hummingbirds at feeders or flowers.
- Handling – Some rehabbers or researchers handle wild hummingbirds with appropriate permits and methods.
- Banding – Hummingbirds may be caught and banded by permitted rehabbers or scientists to track migratory patterns.
- Releases – Captive hummingbirds are sometimes released back into the wild and may return to populated areas.
The most common interaction is hummingbirds feeding on nectar sources provided intentionally or unintentionally by people. Otherwise, they primarily interact through observation, photography, and scientific research programs.
Interesting examples of hummingbirds landing on humans
Some unique stories and videos show hummingbirds choosing to make contact with specific people in their environment:
- A little girl sat very still and had a hummingbird land on her finger to drink from a drop of water.
- A man rescued a baby hummingbird and helped nurse it back to health; once mature, it recognized and landed on him.
- A scientist studying hummingbirds had one land on her head possibly looking to nest in her curly hair.
- Someone drinking a sugary soda had a hummingbird fly up and briefly land on their lip to try the sweet drink.
These incidents reveal how curious and unpredictably behavior hummingbirds exhibit around certain people with whom they become familiar or associate with food.
Key takeaways
To summarize the answer to whether hummingbirds will land on people:
- Hummingbirds may occasionally land on people but do not see humans as perches or food sources.
- They usually land briefly out of curiosity, confusion, exhaustion, or interest in bright clothing.
- You can’t make a hummingbird land on you but wearing red and staying still may increase chances.
- It is safe to let them land as long as you allow them to freely fly off again.
- Hummingbirds do not bond with humans but may recognize familiar feeder caretakers.
- Most interactions involve feeders and flower gardens provided by people.
- Some unique videos show hummingbirds choosing to land on specific people they know or associate with food.
So while not a common occurrence, it is certainly possible for a hummingbird to land on a person given the right circumstances. With some patience, a spirit of wonder, and a sweet nectar source, you may just have a tiny hummingbird alight on your hand for a magical moment.
Hummingbirds landing on humans is a rare but delightful occurrence that can happen when these naturally inquisitive birds become intrigued by a particular person. While they do not form bonds with people, hummingbirds can recognize familiar individuals and may be more inclined to briefly land on someone they associate with positive experiences. With care not to restrict their movement, allowing a hummingbird to perch on you for a few seconds can be a safe and amazing chance to get up close with these dazzling pollinators.