Hummingbirds are beautiful, delicate creatures that bring joy to backyard birdwatchers. Their iridescent plumage shimmers in the sunlight as they flutter up to nectar feeders. Hummingbirds are found only in the Americas, with over 300 species identified. Most hummingbirds in the United States are in the western states, though they can be found nationwide during migration.
Do hummingbirds have color preferences?
Hummingbirds can see color very well. Their eyes have four types of color receptors compared to three in human eyes. This allows them to see into the ultraviolet spectrum. Hummingbirds are naturally attracted to the color red, which they associate with flower nectar. Red feeders will attract the most hummingbirds.
However, hummingbirds will adapt to feeders of different colors. After they find a food source, the color becomes less important. A blue hummingbird feeder can attract hummingbirds, though it may take longer than a red one. With a new feeder, start with red to get their attention. Once hummingbirds find the nectar, switch to other colors if desired.
What is the best material for a hummingbird feeder?
Plastic and glass are the most common hummingbird feeder materials:
- Plastic feeders are affordable, lightweight, and easy to clean. Look for durable plastic that won’t crack.
- Glass feeders are beautiful and allow you to easily see when nectar levels are low. However, glass can break and needs careful handling.
Ceramic and metal feeders are also available but less common. Consider durability, ease of cleaning, and weather resistance when choosing a material. The style of the feeder is just as important. Select a model with enough perches for multiple birds and small feeding ports to match their petite tongues.
Where is the best place to hang a hummingbird feeder?
Location is key for attracting hummingbirds. Follow these placement tips:
- Hang the feeder in a visible spot near trees or shrubs where hummingbirds may perch. Near flowering plants is ideal.
- Choose a shady area so the nectar doesn’t heat up and ferment too quickly.
- Use an S-hook or other method to hang the feeder so it swings gently. Movement helps catch the birds’ attention.
- Place feeders at least 5 feet off the ground to deter other wildlife.
Avoid areas near wind chimes, sprinklers, or other noises that could frighten hummingbirds away. Windows can be hazardous, so keep feeders at least 3 feet away.
What is the best nectar for hummingbird feeders?
While you can buy premixed nectar, homemade nectar is fresher and less expensive. Use this simple recipe:
- 1 part white granulated sugar
- 4 parts water
Do not use honey, artificial sweeteners, or fruit juices which could harm the birds. Boil the water first, then stir in the sugar until fully dissolved. Let it cool before filling the feeder. Store extra nectar in the refrigerator for up to two weeks.
Nectar with red food coloring added will be even more attractive to hummingbirds. Just add a small amount to the nectar. Avoid other additives like vitamins or electrolytes which are not beneficial.
How often does the nectar need to be changed?
In hot weather, nectar can ferment in as little as 2-3 days. In cooler temperatures, nectar may last up to a week. To keep it fresh longer:
- Make small batches of nectar instead of large amounts.
- Always empty and clean the feeder before refilling.
- Don’t let nectar sit out for long when filling the feeder.
Check nectar levels daily so you know when it runs low. Change it immediately if you see cloudiness, bubbles, or sludge which indicate spoilage. Clean feeders thoroughly with a bottle brush and hot water every time.
What is the ideal nectar level in a hummingbird feeder?
Maintaining the right amount of nectar is important. Follow these guidelines:
- Fill feeders to about 1/2 to 3/4 full. This provides an adequate supply while minimizing waste from spoilage.
- Avoid completely filling the feeder, which can cause leaks as the nectar expands in warm weather.
- Do not let feeders run dry, which can distress hummingbirds relying on that food source.
- Check nectar levels daily and refill as needed to maintain the ideal range.
For single-bottle feeders, a nectar depth of 2 to 3 inches is ideal. For larger reservoir-style feeders, refill when the reservoir is about half empty. Keep an eye on the level and you’ll get a feel for how often your feeder needs refilling.
Do ants cause problems with hummingbird feeders?
Ants are a nuisance when it comes to hummingbird feeders. The sugary nectar attracts them, and they can quickly overrun a feeder. But ants pose no real danger and are easy to get rid of.
Use these tips to keep ants away:
- Coat the feeder’s hanging wire with petroleum jelly or oil to block their path.
- Mix a small amount of cooking oil into the nectar – this breaks the water tension so ants can’t swim.
- Place cinnamon or chili pepper on the feeder’s central pole – ants dislike the strong scent.
If ants reach the feeder, take it down immediately and clean it. Wipe off any trails left behind on the pole or hanging area so the ants don’t follow their own pheromone path back.
Do bees or wasps cause problems at hummingbird feeders?
Bees and wasps are also attracted to the sugary nectar. They are more aggressive than ants and can scare away hummingbirds. Follow these precautions:
- Use a feeder with a built-in bee guard or add bee guards to the feeding ports.
- Choose a saucer-style feeder which limits access for bees and wasps.
- Use red nectar since bees generally avoid red objects.
- Move the feeder away from beehives or wasp nests if they are too close.
Check for insect nests around your yard and remove them if possible. Keep feeders clean and change nectar frequently to avoid attracting as many bees and wasps.
Do mold or bacteria grow in hummingbird feeders?
Both mold and bacteria can grow in dirty hummingbird feeders. This can occur when nectar spoils or when feeders are not cleaned thoroughly. Red or black mold, cloudiness, or sliminess indicate contamination.
To prevent microorganisms:
- Make a fresh nectar batch each time you refill the feeder.
- Wash all feeder parts in hot soapy water, rinse well, and let dry fully between uses.
- Occasionally sanitize with a 10% bleach solution.
- Always discard old nectar instead of adding new nectar to it.
Discard any nectar at the first sign of contamination. Clean the feeder and make a new nectar batch. Keeping feeders clean is crucial for hummingbird health.
What problems do squirrels or raccoons cause at feeders?
Squirrels and raccoons love sweet nectar as much as hummingbirds. But these pesky mammals can damage feeders with their teeth and claws. Here are some prevention tips:
- Use feeders with metal or plastic feeding ports which squirrels can’t chew through.
- Choose feeders with a protective wire cage to keep animals away from the nectar.
- Install a feeder pole baffle or slippery lubricant to block climbing.
- Bring feeders in overnight when squirrels and raccoons are most active.
- Place feeders at least 5-6 feet off the ground and away from structures.
If a squirrel or raccoon manages to get into a feeder, clean and sanitize it fully before refilling. Damaged feeders should be replaced right away.
A blue hummingbird feeder can attract these special birds, though it may take them some time to find it compared to bright red feeders. Maximizing convenience and minimizing pest issues will create a safe and appealing feeding environment. With proper care and cleaning, hummingbirds will return regularly to any color of feeder as long as delicious nectar is inside.