The bee hummingbird is the smallest known bird in the world, with females growing to only around 5-6 cm in length and males growing to around 2-3 cm in length. Despite their tiny size, these birds still lay eggs and reproduce like any other bird species. But just how small are their eggs? Let’s take a closer look at the bee hummingbird egg size compared to various objects to get a sense of scale.
Bee Hummingbird Egg Size
A bee hummingbird egg is absolutely tiny, measuring only about 0.39 inches (10 mm) long and 0.25 inches (6.3 mm) across at its widest point. For some size comparisons:
Object | Size comparison to bee hummingbird egg |
Paperclip | A bee hummingbird egg is similar in length to a standard sized paperclip. |
Pencil eraser | A bee hummingbird egg is only slightly wider than a new pencil eraser. |
Dime | A dime is more than 3 times wider than a bee hummingbird egg. |
Nickel | A nickel is over 5 times wider than a bee hummingbird egg. |
Quarter | A quarter is around 10 times wider than a bee hummingbird egg. |
As you can see, the bee hummingbird egg is incredibly tiny compared to common household objects that we encounter and handle every day. But how does it compare to some other bird egg sizes?
Comparison to Other Bird Egg Sizes
Most bird eggs are considerably larger than a bee hummingbird egg, but there are some other small bird species with similarly tiny eggs. Here’s how a bee hummingbird egg measures up against eggs from other birds:
Bird Species | Egg Size | Size comparison to bee hummingbird egg |
Bee hummingbird | 10 mm x 6.3 mm | N/A – Reference size |
Vervain hummingbird | 10 mm x 6.5 mm | Almost identical in size |
Cuban emerald | 12 mm x 8 mm | Slightly larger |
Calliope hummingbird | 15 mm x 9 mm | 50% longer and wider |
American robin | 28 mm x 21 mm | Over 2x as large |
Mallard duck | 50 mm x 38 mm | 5x as large |
Ostrich | 150 mm x 135 mm | 15x as large |
The vervain hummingbird lays an egg that is nearly identical in size to the bee hummingbird, which makes sense since the adult vervain hummingbird itself is also tiny, with a body size only slightly larger than the bee hummingbird. Other small hummingbird species lay eggs about 50% longer/wider than the bee hummingbird egg.
But when you compare the bee hummingbird egg to larger bird species, the size difference is dramatic. A mallard duck egg is 5 times as large, while an ostrich egg is a whopping 15 times larger in length and width! This puts the diminutive size of the bee hummingbird egg into clear perspective.
Comparison to Reptile Eggs
How does the tiny bee hummingbird egg measure up against eggs laid by reptiles? Here are some reptile egg size comparisons:
Reptile Species | Egg Size | Size comparison to bee hummingbird egg |
Bee hummingbird | 10 mm x 6.3 mm | N/A – Reference size |
Antillean crested anole | 10 mm x 5 mm | Slightly smaller |
Green anole | 12 mm x 7 mm | Slightly larger |
Leopard gecko | 20 mm x 15 mm | 2x as large |
Corn snake | 35 mm x 20 mm | Over 3x as large |
Saltwater crocodile | 80 mm x 50 mm | 8x as large |
The bee hummingbird egg is similar in size to the eggs of some very small lizards like anoles. But it is dwarfed by the eggs of larger reptiles like corn snakes and crocodiles. The saltwater crocodile egg is a whopping 8 times longer and wider than a tiny bee hummingbird egg.
Again, this comparison puts into perspective just how incredibly small the bee hummingbird egg is relative to reptile eggs. The bee hummingbird really does lay the tiniest eggs of all known birds and reptiles on Earth.
Comparison to Insect Egg Sizes
Finally, let’s see how the bee hummingbird egg compares to the eggs laid by some insect species:
Insect Species | Egg Size | Size comparison to bee hummingbird egg |
Bee hummingbird | 10 mm x 6.3 mm | N/A – Reference size |
Monarch butterfly | 1 mm x 0.5 mm | 10x smaller |
Honeybee | 1.5 mm x 0.25 mm | 7x smaller |
Hercules beetle | 3 mm x 2 mm | 3-5x smaller |
Giant weta | 10 mm x 5 mm | Similar size |
Most insect eggs are extremely tiny, like the microscopic eggs laid by butterflies and honeybees. A bee hummingbird egg dwarfs those species. But the egg of the giant weta, a large cricket native to New Zealand, is remarkably similar in size to the bee hummingbird egg.
This just goes to show that while the bee hummingbird egg is the smallest known avian egg, it is large in comparison to most insect eggs. The bee hummingbird egg is only slightly smaller than the eggs of the largest insects on Earth.
In summary, at just 0.39 inches x 0.25 inches the bee hummingbird egg is the smallest known egg laid by any bird species. It is comparable in size to a paperclip or pencil eraser. It is similar in dimensions to the eggs of a few other tiny hummingbird species, but is dwarfed by the eggs of larger bird species like ducks and ostriches. Reptile eggs tend to be much larger overall, with the bee hummingbird egg being tiny even compared to small lizards. And while the bee hummingbird egg is large relative to most insect eggs, it is very similar in size to the eggs laid by giant insects like the giant weta. This extremely tiny egg allows the tiny bee hummingbird to reproduce and survive as the smallest avian species on Earth. The next time you see a paperclip, imagine an egg only slighter wider – that’s the incredible scale of the miniscule bee hummingbird egg!