Hummingbirds are known for their ability to hover in mid-air rapidly flapping their wings. They are one of the smallest bird species and represent joy, playfulness, and lightness. Hummingbirds have spiritual symbolism in many cultures and are mentioned a few times in the Bible. Dreaming about a hummingbird can have different meanings depending on the context of the dream. Biblical interpretations often connect hummingbird dreams to encouragement, wisdom, joy, hope and overcoming challenges.
Symbolic Meanings of Hummingbirds in the Bible
Here are some of the common symbolic meanings associated with hummingbirds in the Bible:
Encouragement and Hope
Hummingbirds are known for their speed, energy and ability to rapidly change directions representing encouragement, hope and resilience. In the Bible, hummingbirds appear in passages related to being strengthened and uplifted:
“Those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” (Isaiah 40:31)
This verse compares those who find hope in God to an eagle soaring high up or a hummingbird rapidly fluttering its wings, representing renewed vigor and energy. Dreaming of a hummingbird may signify getting encouragement or hope to overcome life’s challenges.
Joy and Playfulness
Hummingbirds have a playful nature, swiftly darting from flower to flower. Their fast wings and hovering abilities represent joy, playfulness, happiness and innocence. Biblical verses that mention joyful singing and gladness are sometimes linked to hummingbirds:
“Sing for joy to God our strength; shout aloud to the God of Jacob!” (Psalm 81:1)
Dreaming of hummingbirds may indicate embracing childlike joy, seeing the world in a more lighthearted way or releasing burdens in order to experience more gladness in your life.
Wisdom and Discernment
Hummingbirds are incredibly intelligent given their small size. Their rapid wings represent wisdom, discernment and mental alertness. Hummingbirds or their sweet nectar are mentioned in verses related to wisdom and discernment:
“My son, eat honey, for it is good, and the drippings of the honeycomb are sweet to your taste. Know that wisdom is such to your soul; if you find it, there will be a future, and your hope will not be cut off.” (Proverbs 24:13-14)
Dreaming of a hummingbird sipping nectar may signify seeking wisdom, listening to good counsel or making wise choices.
Overcoming Obstacles
Hummingbirds flap their tiny wings around 70 times per second, even sustained in high winds. Despite their small size, they are resilient birds representing strength in overcoming life’s obstacles through God. Verses about overcoming adversity are linked to hummingbirds:
“They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” (Isaiah 40:31)
A dream with a hummingbird may encourage you to find strength and tenacity during difficult times. It’s a sign you have the inner fortitude to get through challenges.
What Does it Mean to Dream About Hummingbirds in Different Scenarios?
The meaning behind your dream will be shaped by what happens with the hummingbird and how you interact with it. Here are some common hummingbird dream scenarios and what they could signify:
Hummingbird Feeding from Your Hand
If a hummingbird is feeding from nectar (or sugar water) in your hands in a dream, this is a positive sign. It means you are open to receiving wisdom, encouragement and hope from God to nourish your spirit.
Hummingbird Flying Around You
When you dream of a hummingbird joyfully flying around you, it may represent a positive shift in perspective or emotions. It’s a sign to embrace more childlike joy and lightheartedness. This dream may also symbolize feeling energized, encouraged and uplifted.
Hummingbird Flying Away
A dream where a hummingbird quickly darts away or flies out of sight could indicate a few things. It may mean you need to actively pursue wisdom by seeking counsel from others instead of passively waiting. Or it could represent feeling discouraged like your energy and hope are fleeting.
Still or Injured Hummingbird
If you dream of a lethargic, weak or injured hummingbird, this points to feeling depleted emotionally, spiritually or mentally. The hummingbird represents your diminished energy, childlike joy and ability to overcome obstacles. This dream is a warning not to give up.
Multiple Hummingbirds
Dreaming of multiple hummingbirds could symbolize you are in a season or situation overflowing with joy, hope, encouragement and wisdom. It may also represent feeling energized with mental alertness. If the hummingbirds are flying around chaotically, it could point to feeling mentally scattered.
Exotic or Unusual Colored Hummingbirds
Dreaming of hummingbirds in unusual colors like metallic green, purple, pink etc. could represent that new or unconventional sources of wisdom, energy and hope are available to you. Pay attention to any exotic hummingbirds in dreams.
Hummingbird Nest
A hummingbird’s nest represents family, new life and protecting what’s dear to you. If you see a nest in a dream whether empty, with eggs or baby birds, it may symbolize starting a family or a new meaningful chapter. It points to personal growth.
Biblical Stories with Hummingbirds
While hummingbirds aren’t directly mentioned in biblical stories, some passages use them as artistic symbols. Here are two examples:
Song of Songs
In this book filled with vivid poetic descriptions, the beloved woman’s nose is compared to “the tower of Lebanon looking toward Damascus” (Song of Songs 7:4). This tower is believed to symbolize beauty, strength and watching over what’s important. The following verse says:
“Your head crowns you like Mount Carmel. And the flowing locks of your head are like purple threads; the king is held captive in the hummingbird net.” (Song of Songs 7:5)
The hummingbird net implies the woman’s beauty and charm have captivated her lover’s heart.
God’s Blessings in Ezekiel
In Ezekiel 17, God pronouncing judgment on the king of Judah is followed by verses describing the land’s restoration.
Part of the description of plentiful crops in verse 23 states: “Birds of every kind will nest there; they will find shelter in the shade of its branches.”
While hummingbirds aren’t mentioned directly, Biblical artists sometimes draw them nesting inbranches representing God’s provision and blessings.
So while actual hummingbird appearances are limited, they artistically represent concepts like beauty, charm, provision and protection in poetic descriptions. A dream hummingbird may connect to these symbolic meanings.
Important Biblical Figures Who Had Dreams
Dreams of significant figures in the Bible provide insight into God’s messages through dreams. Here are some pivotal dreamers:
Jacob had two key dreams – one where angels ascended and descended a ladder to heaven, and another where spotted sheep were born illustrating prosperity. Both prophetic dreams established Jacob’s connection to God.
Joseph had dreams as a youth where his brothers’ sheaves of wheat bowed down to his sheaf, and the sun, moon and stars bowed to him. These dreams foretold Joseph emerging as a great leader. Dreams guided his life in big ways.
In a dream at Gibeon, Solomon asked God for wisdom to lead the Israelites. Pleased with his request, God granted him immense wisdom and knowledge in the dream. It set the course of his reign.
Daniel interpreted several pivotal dreams including the king of Babylon’s dream about a statue made of various metals representing kingdoms. His God-given ability to interpret established Daniel as a key prophet.
Joseph, Jesus’ Earthly Father
Joseph had four key dreams – to marry Mary, flee to Egypt, return to Israel, and move to Nazareth avoiding danger. Each dream provided critical guidance about Jesus’ early years.
So God clearly gave direction, prophecy and wisdom to key biblical figures via dreams as He still does today. A hummingbird dream may be meaningful divine communication.
Hummingbird Symbols in the Tabernacle
While Scripture doesn’t specify hummingbirds in the Tabernacle design, some elements may symbolically connect to their attributes:
Almond Blossoms
The lampstand was engraved with almond blossoms representing watchfulness and God’s fast provision. Like hummingbirds, almond blossoms signify alertness and swift action.
Blue, Purple and Scarlet Yarn
These colored yarns used in Tabernacle curtains and priestly vestments match the iridescent sheen of hummingbird feathers, representing God’s majesty and sovereignty.
Bronze used across the Tabernacle signifies strength and overcoming through trials. Like the resilient hummingbird, bronze highlights persevering even through fiery hardship.
So various tabernacle features reflect hummingbird traits, highlighting drawing near to God’s presence and living in His strength. Dream hummingbirds likely connect to similar themes.
Does the Bible Say Anything Specifically About Interpreting Dreams?
The Bible provides guidance about interpreting God-given dreams:
– “For God speaks again and again, though people do not recognize it. He speaks in dreams, in visions of the night when deep sleep falls on people as they lie in bed.” (Job 33:14-15)
– “Listen to my words; if there are prophets among you, I the Lord make myself known to them in visions; I speak to them in dreams.” (Numbers 12:6)
– God gave Daniel and Joseph supernatural ability to interpret dreams accurately as they relied fully on Him.
So according to Scripture, God reveals Himself in dreams and can gift people to understand their meaning. For believers with this gifting, hummingbird dreams likely provide spiritual insight and truth.
At the same time, the Bible warns that not all dreams come from God and discernment is needed:
– “I have heard what the prophets have said who prophesy lies in My name, saying ‘I have dreamed, I have dreamed!'” (Jeremiah 23:25)
– “These dreamers…cause my people to err by their lies and reckless boasting.” (Jeremiah 23:32)
Thus, proper discernment and counsel from God or spiritually mature Christians is key for interpreting the origins and meaning of any dream like those with hummingbirds.
How Dreams of Hummingbirds May Relate to Bible Verses About Birds
Bible verses using birds generally suggest hummingbird symbolism in dreams relates to:
God’s Provision and Care
“Look at the birds of the air: They do not sow or reap or gather into barns – and yet your heavenly Father feeds them.” (Matthew 6:26)
Like birds, God provides for hummingbirds. Dream hummingbirds likely represent God’s care.
Joy and Singing
“Let the field exult, and all that is in it! Then all the trees of the forest will sing for joy.” (Psalm 96:12)
Hummingbirds make cheerful chirping sounds and dream ones may portray joyful praise.
Freedom and Stillness
“Even the sparrow finds a home, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may lay her young, at your altars, O Lord of Hosts, my King and my God.” (Psalm 84:3)
Like birds resting in a nest, dreaming of hummingbirds may reflect freedom to be still in God’s presence.
Deliverance and Protection
“Our soul has escaped like a bird from the snare of the fowlers; the snare is broken, and we have escaped!” (Psalm 124:7)
Birds escape snares just as hummingbirds rapidly dart away representing God’s deliverance.
So like other birds, Biblical hummingbird symbolism involves themes of God’s loving care and interaction.
In summary, dreaming about hummingbirds can have diverse meanings related to key attributes of these tiny energetic birds. Biblical interpretations often connect hummingbirds to receiving joy, hope, encouragement and wisdom from the Lord. Hummingbird dreams likely represent fresh perspectives to rise above life’s challenges and embracing childlike wonder in God’s blessings that surround you. Just as hummingbirds hover unfettered by gravity, God empowers you to rise above limiting circumstances and live in His strength and freedom. Let a dream hummingbird remind you of His abundant provision, deliverance and unfailing love. With openness and discernment, ponder how God may be speaking to you through hummingbird encounters in dreams!