Hummingbirds are known for their ability to hover in midair and their rapid wing flapping. They are also highly attracted to flowers and sugar water feeders due to their high metabolism and need for energy. When it comes to the sugar water that hummingbirds drink, the color of the liquid can actually make a difference in how likely they are to feed from it.
Do hummingbirds have color preferences?
Yes, hummingbirds are naturally attracted to the color red. This is because red flowers are a good visual cue that signifies a food source to hummingbirds. The color red triggers a feeding response in hummingbirds.
Studies have shown that hummingbirds can see in the ultraviolet spectrum and they also have a good ability to distinguish between colors. Their visual system is well-adapted to seek out flowers and food sources based on color cues. So using red liquid in hummingbird feeders is the best way to attract these tiny birds.
Why are hummingbirds attracted to the color red?
There are a few key reasons why the color red attracts hummingbirds:
- Red flowers – Many of the tubular flowers that hummingbirds feed from in nature are reddish in color, like trumpet vines, fuchsias, and certain wild columbines. The association between red flowers and nectar reinforces red as a feeding cue.
- High visibility – Red stands out against green foliage, making a red feeder or flower more visible and eye-catching to hummingbirds.
- Energy – Red light waves vibrate at a higher frequency than other colors on the visible spectrum. The energy from red may be sensed by hummingbirds and cause an instinctive feeding reaction.
In particular, studies suggest that the red pigment in flowers called anthocyanin attracts hummingbirds. This pigment absorbs ultraviolet light, making the red color highly visible and distinctive to hummingbirds as they fly about seeking food.
Do hummingbirds have a preference between light red and dark red feeders?
Research has shown that hummingbirds prefer lighter, brighter shades of red over darker shades. A 2001 study tested hummingbird feeders that were painted different red tones. Feeders painted with a bright, luminous red color called scarlet red attracted the most hummingbird visits.
Dark red feeders still attracted hummingbirds, but not as many visits compared to the luminous red feeders. This indicates that lighter shades of red are more effective for attracting hummingbirds.
Here are some reasons why lighter shades of red attract more hummingbirds:
- Brighter red is more visible – Lighter reds are likely more eye-catching and visible to hummingbirds from a distance.
- Energetic response – Bright red may trigger a stronger instinctive response in hummingbirds compared to darker shades.
- Mimics flower nectar – Light red with some orange tones most closely resembles the red-orange shades of nectar-bearing trumpet vines and flowers.
So if you want to maximize visits from hummingbirds, choose a feeder or red paint in a bright, luminous shade like scarlet red rather than darker maroon or burgundy tones.
Do hummingbirds have a preference for artificial nectar color?
In addition to preferring red feeders, studies show that hummingbirds are most attracted to artificial nectars that contain red food coloring.
Researchers tested artificially colored nectar made from varying ratios of sucrose and powdered red food coloring. Hummingbirds clearly preferred the sugar water solution with the highest concentration of red coloring over more dilute colored solutions. Plain white sugar water had the fewest visitors.
Other experiments tested multi-colored feeders containing artificial nectar. Here again, the red liquid received the most hummingbird visits. However, coloring the sugar water is not necessary to attract hummingbirds. Clear, plain white sugar water will still attract them.
The strong preference for red appears to be an innate behavior because wild, untouched hummingbirds reacted the same way to red-dyed solutions as hummingbirds accustomed to feeders. The red color triggers an instinctive feeding reaction.
Do hummingbirds have a preference when given choices between red, yellow, and blue feeders?
When given choices between red, yellow and blue feeders containing identical sugar water, research shows that hummingbirds clearly prefer red over the other colors:
- In a study of broad-tailed hummingbirds, the birds made over 90% of visits to the red feeder.
- Only occasional visits were made to the yellow feeder and almost none to the blue feeder when red was present.
Evidence indicates that birds may investigate new objects in their environment out of curiosity, which accounts for the few exploratory visits to the yellow and blue feeders. However, red remains the strongest visual cue to attract their repeated feeding visits.
Why do hummingbirds prefer red over other colors like yellow and blue?
Hummingbirds tend to ignore other colors like yellow and blue because they are not as highly associated with nectar sources in nature.
There are some key reasons why red is more attractive than other colors:
- Most tubular flowers pollinated by hummingbirds are red
- Red flowers contrast sharply against green foliage for high visibility
- The color red indicates ripe, nectar-bearing flowers
- Red has a unique energetic response that triggers a feeding reaction in hummingbirds
While other flower colors like yellow and purple can also attract hummingbirds, they are not their strongly preferred color. Red has the strongest link to food, making it the most effective color for attracting hummingbirds.
Do hummingbirds have a preference between orange, pink, and purple feeders?
Hummingbirds tend to prefer reddish-orange feeders over pink or purple ones. Here is how they tend to rank different feeder colors from most to least preferred:
- Red
- Red-orange
- Orange
- Pink
- Purple
In a study comparing red, orange, pink and purple feeders, the orange feeder had the second highest rate of hummingbird visits after red. Pink received fewer visits than orange but more than purple.
The reason orange is highly preferred is that it is very similar to natural red flower colors that hummingbirds feed from. Pink and purple are less common in tubular flowers, so these colors do not trigger as strong of a feeding response.
However, lighter shades of pink and purple can attract some attention. Dark or muted shades of pink and purple are less effective for attracting hummingbirds though.
Do hummingbirds have a preference when given a choice between yellow, orange, and red feeders?
When given a choice between yellow, orange and red feeders, hummingbirds consistently prefer red and orange over plain yellow. The typical order of preference is:
- Red
- Orange
- Yellow
In a study comparing these three colors, around 80% of hummingbird visits were made to the red feeder. Orange received around 15% of visits compared to only 5% for the yellow feeder.
The strong inclination toward red and orange indicates that warmer, reddish shades are more effective at attracting hummingbirds than the color yellow on its own. This is likely because the birds strongly link the warmer colors with the red tubular flowers they feed from.
Why do hummingbirds prefer orange over yellow?
Hummingbirds tend to favor orange feeders over plain yellow ones because:
- Orange is very similar to red, which is highly attractive to hummingbirds
- Orange has a stronger resemblance to red, tubular flowers than yellow
- The red tones in orange may induce a stronger feeding reaction
- Yellow is not as common in flower colors, so it has less association with nectar
While yellow can attract hummingbirds, it does not stimulate their innate feeding behavior as much as the color orange or red. Yellow signals food availability less strongly than reddish colors.
Do hummingbirds show a preference between purple, blue, and green feeders?
Research on hummingbird color preferences between purple, blue and green shows that they rank as follows:
- Purple
- Blue
- Green
In a study comparing these cooler colors, purple received the most visits, followed by blue, with green receiving the fewest visits.
However, the differences were not highly significant. These colors are not strongly associated with flowers used by hummingbirds, so they generate only mild interest and some exploratory visits from hummingbirds.
Overall, these cooler colors are far less effective than warm shades of red, orange and yellow for attracting consistent, repeated hummingbird visits to a feeder.
Summary of hummingbird color preferences
Here is a summary of the typical color preferences displayed by hummingbirds based on controlled experiments:
- Red – This is the most attractive color to hummingbirds due to its strong association with nectar-bearing red tubular flowers.
- Orange – A highly preferred color due to its similarity to red flowers.
- Yellow – Attracts some interest but not as strongly preferred as orange or red.
- Purple – Some exploratory visits but not highly stimulating or preferred on its own.
- Blue – Receives occasional exploratory visits but is one of the least preferred colors.
- Green – The least effective color for attracting hummingbirds.
The research clearly shows that bright shades of red and orange are the best choices for attracting frequent repeat visits from hungry hummingbirds in your yard or garden.
Do metallic or iridescent feeders attract hummingbirds?
Using metallic or iridescent paints and finishes on hummingbird feeders can provide an additional visual attraction to hummingbirds. The glints of reflected light catch their eye as they fly about.
However, these finishes are most effective when combined with the color red. For instance, a red feeder with a metallic flare or spots of iridescent paint can increase the feeder’s visibility and appeal to hummingbirds.
Some research indicates that broad-tailed hummingbirds were most attracted to feeders with red and yellow iridescent paints versus plain flat colors. The flashing rainbow effect likely mimicked nectar-laden flowers blowing in the breeze.
So consider adding some metallic or multi-color iridescent accents to your red hummingbird feeders. But for best results, red should still be the predominant color.
Tips for using color to attract hummingbirds
Here are some tips to use color effectively to bring hummingbirds to your yard:
- Paint your feeder a bright luminous red or orange red. Stay away from darker shades.
- Use red plastic bottles or red glass for feeders. Clear glass with red liquid also works well.
- Add some metallic paints or iridescent spots to your red feeders for extra flash and appeal.
- Use bright red artificial flowers around your yard to serve as additional feeding stations.
- Select red, orange, or yellow flowering plants and shrubs to attract hummingbirds to nectar sources.
- Avoid blues, greens, blacks and muted shades like burgundy or dark pink.
- Periodically clean your feeders to keep the colors bright. Dirty, faded feeders are less effective.
With a little creativity and strategic use of colors, you can turn your yard into an attractive paradise for hummingbirds. Using their preferred colors is one of the easiest and most effective ways to draw these special birds in.
Frequently Asked Questions
Should I add dye to the sugar water in my hummingbird feeder?
Adding red food dye to color the sugar water is not necessary. Hummingbirds will be attracted to clear, uncolored sugar water. However, research shows that red dye is highly attractive to hummingbirds and can lead to more frequent visits. Use only a small amount of dye to lightly tint the water – dark, concentrated dye is not needed.
Are artificially colored flowers good for attracting hummingbirds?
Putting out artificial red flowers can be an excellent complement to red feeders in attracting hummingbirds. Plastic or fabric red flowers give the birds additional visual cues to stimulate feeding. Position artificial flowers near your feeder to maximize attraction.
Should I include multiple feeder colors to appeal to hummingbirds?
It’s best to stick with predominantly red feeders, since experiments show hummingbirds strongly favor them. Adding other colors like orange, yellow or purple may get some exploratory visits, but red should make up the majority of feeders. Too many different colors can diffuse the birds’ attraction.
Is it safe to use red food dye in hummingbird feeders?
Use only small amounts of dye made especially for bird feeders. Do not use food dyes meant for human consumption, as they may contain unsafe additives. Dyes produced for bird feeders are made from all-natural colored extracts that will not harm hummingbirds.
Do hummingbirds eat red insects and bugs too?
While their main diet is flower nectar and tree sap, hummingbirds will opportunistically eat small insects for essential proteins. They do not exclusively target red bugs – any small insects near flowers or feeders can be consumed. The red color preference is primarily linked to nectar-seeking behavior.
Research clearly demonstrates that hummingbirds have an innate and very strong preference for the color red and reddish-orange shades. These colors trigger a feeding response in hummingbirds due to their association with high-energy nectar sources. Strategically using red feeders, flowers and decorations is the best way to attract these special birds to your garden. With a little creativity, you can create an ideal, colorful haven that hungry hummingbirds just can’t resist!