Sugar water is an essential food source for hummingbirds. It provides them with the quick energy they need to power their rapid wing beats and busy activity. Hummingbirds have very fast metabolisms, so they need to feed frequently throughout the day. By making sugar water readily available in feeders, you can supplement their natural diet of nectar and insects.
But how long does pre-made sugar water stay fresh in the refrigerator? The shelf life depends on a few factors, including the recipe you use, how it’s stored, and the temperature of your refrigerator. Follow some simple guidelines to determine when it’s time to refresh your hummingbird nectar.
How Long Does Sugar Water Last?
In general, plain white sugar mixed with water will last 7-10 days when properly refrigerated. Here are some more specific timelines:
- Basic sugar water: 7-10 days refrigerated
- With added red food coloring: 3-5 days refrigerated
- With added electrolytes: 2-4 days refrigerated
The basic 1:4 sugar to water ratio has the longest shelf life. Adding coloring or electrolytes shortens the lifespan. So if you want your nectar to last a full week or more, stick to plain white sugar and water.
Be sure to make a fresh batch after 10 days total, even if it still looks and smells okay. Sugar water can grow mold or bacteria beyond the 10 day mark.
Factors That Shorten Shelf Life
A few things can cause sugar water to spoil faster than normal:
- Higher temperatures – Refrigerate between 35°F-40°F.
- Added coloring or electrolytes
- Reusing old nectar – Always use fresh ingredients.
- Using tap water – Use distilled or boiled and cooled tap water.
- Dirty feeders – Clean thoroughly before refilling.
To maximize freshness, store your filled feeders towards the back of the fridge where temperatures are coldest. Keep them away from the door. And fill them all the way to the top to minimize air exposure.
How to Tell if Sugar Water is Bad
Here are some signs that your hummingbird food has gone bad and needs to be replaced:
- Cloudy appearance
- Slimy texture
- Moldy spots
- Fermented smell – vinegar-like odor
- Discolored – brown or tan
Fresh sugar water should look clear with no visible debris or sediment. It will have the sweet smell of sugar and nectar. When in doubt, remember it’s better to replace it more often than risk spoiled food.
Tips for Storing Sugar Water Long-Term
Follow these best practices to safely store sugar water as long as possible:
- Refrigerate at 35°F-40°F immediately after mixing.
- Use a 1:4 ratio of sugar to water.
- Avoid adding colors, electrolytes or flavors.
- Fill containers to the very top to limit air exposure.
- Use boiled/distilled water, not tap.
- Store nectar in the back of the fridge.
- Always discard after 10 days, even if it looks okay.
- Clean feeders thoroughly before refilling.
Refrigerating sugar water is the best way to maximize freshness. You can prepare larger batches ahead of time so you always have pre-made hummingbird food on hand. Just be sure to portion it out within 10 days.
Making a Fresh Batch
It’s easy to whip up a new batch of hummingbird nectar. Here’s a simple recipe and method:
- 1 part white sugar
- 4 parts water
- (Optional) Pinch of red food coloring (no more than 1/4 tsp per cup of nectar)
- Fill a saucepan with the desired amount of water. Bring to a boil.
- Remove from heat and stir in sugar, mixing until fully dissolved.
- Allow to fully cool to room temperature.
- Add optional food coloring one drop at a time.
- Refrigerate in a covered container.
- Fill clean feeders and enjoy!
Making nectar is as simple as boiling water and mixing in sugar. Avoid using old nectar, and be sure to fully wash feeders to prevent contamination. Then you’ll have fresh, tasty food ready for feasting hummingbirds!
Frequently Asked Questions
Can you store sugar water at room temperature?
Room temperature storage is not recommended. Sugar water can ferment and grow mold within 2 days at room temp. Always refrigerate hummingbird food.
How do you sweeten old sugar water?
It’s best not to reuse old sugar water. Simply make a fresh batch instead for the healthiest nectar.
Why does my nectar turn brown?
Brown, tan, or cloudy nectar is a sign of spoilage from yeast, bacteria, or mold. Discard nectar once it loses its clear appearance.
Can hummingbirds get sick from old nectar?
Yes, consuming spoiled sugar water can make hummingbirds ill. It can lead to tongue infections or digestive issues. Stick to the 10 day rule to keep your birds healthy.
Should sugar water be boiled?
Boiling is recommended to thoroughly dissolve the sugar and kill any bacteria present in tap water. Just let it fully cool before filling feeders.
How long does homemade nectar last unrefrigerated?
Without refrigeration, homemade nectar will only last 24-48 hours before spoiling. Always store unused portions in the fridge.
Is liquid sucrose better than table sugar?
No, plain white granulated sugar works perfectly fine. Sucrose water offers no benefits and has a shorter shelf life. Stick with regular sugar.
The Bottom Line
When properly stored and refrigerated, basic 1:4 sugar water will stay fresh for 7-10 days before spoiling. For the healthiest nectar, make a new batch every 1-2 weeks. Use boiled water, avoid additives like coloring, and refrigerate unused portions promptly in clean containers. Discard any nectar that smells bad, looks cloudy, or has debris in it. With some simple preparation, you can keep your hummingbird feeders filled with delicious fresh nectar all season long!