Vermillionaire plants are stunning tropical houseplants known for their vibrant red leaves. With their showy foliage, these plants make a bold statement in any indoor space. However, caring for a vermillionaire plant takes some specific care and attention. Read on to learn more about how to keep your vermillionaire plant healthy and thriving.
What are the basic care needs of a vermillionaire plant?
Vermillionaire plants require bright, indirect light, humid conditions, and well-draining soil. Here are the keys to keeping them happy:
- Light: Vermillionaire plants need very bright light to maintain their vibrant foliage, but direct sun will scorch their leaves. Place them near an east or west-facing window where they’ll get 4-6 hours of bright, indirect sunlight daily.
- Water: Allow the top 1-2 inches of soil to dry out between waterings, then soak the soil completely. Yellowing leaves indicate overwatering.
- Humidity: High humidity is a must, ideally around 60-80%. Use a pebble tray or humidifier to increase moisture in the air.
- Soil: Use a well-draining potting mix and make sure the pot has drainage holes. Soggy soil will cause root rot.
- Fertilizer: Feed monthly in the growing season with a balanced liquid fertilizer diluted by half.
- Temperature: Keep vermillionaire plants at average room temperatures between 65-80°F.
How can I increase humidity for my vermillionaire plant?
Vermillionaire plants thrive in humid conditions between 60-80% relative humidity. If the air is too dry, their leaves can brown and curl at the edges. Here are some good options for increasing moisture in the air:
- Use a humidifier near the plant to release moisture into the surrounding air.
- Set the pot on a pebble tray filled with pebbles and water, which will evaporate to increase local humidity.
- Mist the plant daily using a spray bottle filled with clean, pure water.
- Group other houseplants near the vermillionaire to create a moisture-rich microclimate.
- Place it in a bathroom or other naturally humid room in your home.
Avoid moving the plant to drastically different conditions. Keep the vermillionaire plant away from hot, dry drafts from heating vents which will quickly dry out the foliage.
What kind of potting mix should I use?
Vermillionaire plants need a very well-draining potting mix. Use a commercial cactus/orchid potting soil or create your own mix using:
- 1 part peat moss or coco coir
- 1 part perlite or pumice
- 1 part bark chips or orchid bark
You can also add some worm castings for nutrients. Make sure any pot you use has drainage holes to prevent soggy soil. Re-pot annually in the spring if the roots have filled the container. Use containers only 1-2 inches larger to avoid overwatering in too much soil.
What are the signs of overwatering?
Overwatering is the most common cause of problems with vermillionaire plants. Signs that your plant is getting too much water include:
- Yellowing or drooping leaves
- Leaf drop
- Spongy or mushy leaves
- Slimy roots
- Mold growth on the soil
- Rotting stems
If you see these issues, allow the soil dry out completely before watering again. Remove any mushy or rotting roots and repot in fresh, dry soil if needed. Water less frequently and always check the soil moisture before adding more water.
How much should I water my vermillionaire plant?
Vermillionaire plants should be watered thoroughly, but infrequently. Wait until the top inch or two of the potting mix has dried out before watering again. The timing will vary based on factors like light, humidity, temperature, and container size. In general, they typically need watering about once a week.
When watering, pour enough so that liquid drains from the drainage holes at the bottom of the pot. This ensures the entire root zone is hydrated. Allow excess water to drain fully before returning the pot. Never let the plant sit in a saucer of water.
In the winter when growth slows, the soil will dry out slower and the plant won’t need as much water. Always check by sticking your finger in the top few inches before watering again.
What’s the best method for watering a vermillionaire plant?
The ideal way to water a vermillionaire plant is to take the plant to the sink and thoroughly soak the soil until water runs out the drainage holes. Allow all excess water to drain fully. This ensures the entire root ball gets hydrated.
You can also water thoroughly with a watering can with a long spout. Pour slowly and evenly around the base of the plant and let drain completely after. Avoid getting water directly on the leaves, which can promote disease.
Be sure to water close to the base of the plant rather than pouring water over the entire pot. This prevents dry spots from developing on the edges and encourages deeper root growth.
Should I mist my vermillionaire plant?
Light misting can help boost humidity around a vermillionaire plant. Use a spray bottle filled with pure, clean water at room temperature. Mist the leaves and stems once or twice a day, avoiding wetting the soil. This supplemental humidity is beneficial but does not replace the need for deep, thorough watering of the soil when dry.
Avoid misting late in the day, which can lead to leaves staying damp overnight. Only mist if humidity is below 60%. Excessive misting can also promote fungal leaf diseases. Wipe leaves regularly with a soft cloth to keep them free of dust.
What type of fertilizer should I use?
Vermillionaire plants need regular feeding in the growing season from spring through fall to look their best. Use a balanced liquid houseplant fertilizer diluted by half strength. NPK ratios near 20-20-20 work well. Apply monthly or according to label directions.
Good options include:
- Miracle-Gro Indoor Plant Food
- Espoma Organic Houseplant Fertilizer
- Fox Farm Big Bloom Liquid Fertilizer
Avoid overfertilizing which can burn the roots. Leach the soil with clean water every few months to prevent buildup of mineral salts.
Should I prune my vermillionaire plant?
Light pruning can help keep vermillionaire plants full and bushy. Trim off any dead or damaged leaves and stems as needed through the year. Remove yellowed leaves promptly to keep it looking its best.
You can also pinch off the tips of upward-creeping stems to encourage more compact growth habit and fuller shape. Use sterilized pruning shears and make cuts just above leaf nodes or stems.
Limit pruning to occasional trimming of damaged parts and light shaping. Never prune back more than 1/3 of the plant. Excessive pruning can stunt vermillionaire plants.
How do I propagate a vermillionaire plant?
Vermillionaire plants are easy to propagate from stem cuttings. Choose a healthy stem with 3-5 nodes and remove it with sterilized shears. Trim below the node and remove lower leaves.
Place the cutting in a vase or jar of clean water. Change the water every couple days. Roots should develop in 2-3 weeks. Plant the rooted cutting in moist potting mix, keeping it sheltered for a few weeks as it establishes.
Alternatively, you can root the cuttings directly in potting mix. Stick the lower end in the soil and keep the soil slightly moist until roots form. High humidity helps the cutting take root.
Is my vermillionaire plant getting enough light?
Vermillionaire plants need very bright light to thrive. Signs that light is insufficient include:
- Loss of red leaf color
- Small, stunted growth
- Sparse foliage and leggy stems
- Leaves turning green or yellowish
If you see these issues, move the plant to a brighter location. East or west-facing windows are ideal. Rotate the pot regularly so all sides get sunlight. Supplement natural light with grow lights if needed. Proper light is crucial for the vibrant foliage these plants are prized for.
Why are the edges of the leaves turning brown?
If the edges of the leaves are turning brown and crispy looking, the most likely cause is low humidity. Vermillionaire plants need very high humidity around 60-80% to thrive.
Boost ambient humidity through use of a humidifier, pebble tray, or regular misting. Keep the plant away from hot or cold drafts from heating/cooling vents which can dry out the leaves.
Overfertilization can also cause leaf tip burn. Flush the soil to remove any buildup of excess minerals or fertilizer salts.
Why are the leaves turning yellow?
Yellowing leaves on a vermillionaire plant often indicate overwatering. Check that the pot has drainage holes at the bottom and well-draining soil to allow excess moisture to escape.
Allow the soil to dry out further between waterings. Water only when the top inch or two of soil is dry. Remove any mushy or rotten roots and repot in fresh, dry soil.
Insufficient light can also cause yellowing. Give the plant very bright, indirect light for 4-6 hours per day. Fertilize monthly to provide key nutrients that support green foliage.
What temperature range is best?
Vermillionaire plants prefer consistent, warm temperatures between 65-80°F during the daytime. At night, they tolerate slightly cooler temperatures around 60°F.
Avoid placing the plant in cold drafts which can damage the foliage. In winter, keep vermillionaire plants away from windows that may get cold from outside chill.
High temperatures above 80°F can also stress the plant. Use curtains or shades to diffuse hot afternoon sunlight streaming in windows during summer.
Can I grow a vermillionaire plant outdoors?
Vermillionaire plants are tropical natives adapted to warm, humid rainforest conditions. They can be grown outdoors year-round only in frost-free climates with temperatures above 60°F, such as USDA Zones 10-12.
In cooler climates, vermillionaire plants can be moved outdoors temporarily in summer provided temperatures stay above 65°F. Bring the plants back indoors before nights cool in early fall to avoid cold damage.
Place them in a shady, sheltered spot outdoors and maintain moist, humid conditions. Gradually acclimate the plants to prevent shock from sudden changes in light levels, temps, and humidity.
With their stunning red foliage, vermillionaire plants make a bold tropical statement indoors. Caring for these beauties takes some attention to their moisture, light, and humidity needs. Provide very bright, indirect light, humid air, and well-draining soil that is allowed to dry out between waterings. Fertilize regularly and watch for signs of stress. With proper care, your vermillionaire plant will thrive for years of vibrant color and interest.