When it comes to attracting hummingbirds to your yard, placing your feeder in the optimal location is key. The placement of your feeder can impact how likely hummingbirds are to find it, how safe they feel using it, and how convenient it is for them to access the nectar you put out. Here are some things to consider when figuring out where to hang your hummingbird feeder.
Should you hang it high or low?
In general, it’s best to hang your hummingbird feeder around 5 feet high. Here are some pros and cons of both high and low placement:
Pros of high placement:
- Harder for other animals like cats to access
- Less likely to be disturbed by human activity
- More noticeable to hummingbirds flying overhead
Cons of high placement:
- Harder to refill and clean
- Hummingbirds may have to work harder to access the nectar
Pros of low placement:
- More convenient access for refilling and cleaning
- Young fledglings can reach it more easily
Cons of low placement:
- More accessible to predators like cats
- Hummingbirds may be startled if humans walk by
- Less visible to hummingbirds flying far overhead
Overall, a height of around 5 feet is ideal for most homeowners. This gives hummingbirds convenient access while still keeping the feeder safe from predators and disturbances.
Should it be hung in the sun or shade?
Hummingbirds prefer their feeders to be hung in a shaded spot. Here’s why:
- Nectar lasts longer before spoiling in the shade
- Cooler nectar in the shade is more appealing
- Shade provides protection from the elements
However, you don’t want an area that’s too overgrown or dark. Hummingbirds still like to have open, bright areas nearby to perch and hunt insects.
If you don’t have very many naturally shaded spots, you can hang the feeder under a covered porch or wide umbrella. Just make sure it’s hung freely so hummingbirds can access it easily.
Does the direction it faces matter?
Hummingbirds will come to feeders in any direction, but there are some strategic placements to maximize their usage:
- Facing the feeder toward natural cover gives hummingbirds a safe place to perch nearby.
- Placing it near flowering plants or hummingbird attracting gardens invites them to explore other food sources.
- Facing it toward your viewing area like a porch or window lets you observe their activity up close.
- Pointing it away from predominant wind direction prevents the nectar from emptying too quickly.
Ultimately hummingbirds will adapt and access the feeder no matter which way it’s pointing. But considering the direction can help encourage them to linger longer.
Should you position it close to other feeders?
It’s fine to have multiple hummingbird feeders in one area, provided there is enough space between them. Here are some tips:
- Keep feeders at least 10 feet apart to minimize territory conflicts between hummingbirds.
- Place them out of direct line of sight from one another so they feel separated.
- Having multiple feeders allows more hummingbirds to feed at once.
- Spreading feeders around your yard covers more territory and attracts more birds.
The key is making sure each feeder has its own distinct spot so hummingbirds don’t have to compete too aggressively to feed.
Should you place it on a pole, hook, or hang it from a tree?
You have several options for mounting your hummingbird feeder. Here are some pros and cons of different placement methods:
Pole mount
- Gets feeder up and away from ground activity
- Easy to position feeder at optimal height
- Can accommodate multiple feeders on one pole
- Need to install pole or rod into ground
- Less natural look than hanging
Hanging from hook
- Quick and easy to hang
- Adjustable height
- Hook can be screwed into eaves or porch
- Not as sturdy as pole mount
- Need a structure to hang hook from
Hanging from tree
- Natural look blends into garden
- Convenient if you have suitable tree
- Less placement flexibility
- Need to rehang if tree grows or position shifts
- More prone to swinging in wind
Any of these options work well as long as the feeder is positioned correctly. Choose the method that fits your space and needs best.
Does nearby foliage matter?
Having foliage and flowers near the feeder is beneficial. Here’s how nearby plants impact hummingbirds:
- They provide cover and resting areas for hummingbirds.
- Flowering plants offer natural nectar sources.
- Herbs and bee balms attract more insects that hummingbirds feed on.
- Trees help create shade over the feeder.
Avoid dense or prickly foliage right around the feeder, as this can obstruct access. But having plantings within 6-10 feet helps create an attractive habitat.
Some good plant options include:
- Trumpet vines
- Petunias
- Bee balms
- Fuchsias
- Lilacs
- Columbines
Choose a variety of flowering plants that bloom spring through fall to provide nectar all season.
Should it be positioned near a window?
Placing a feeder near a window you frequently look out can allow great up-close viewing. However, the following precautions should be taken:
- Make sure there is another clear flight path so hummingbirds don’t feel trapped.
- Position it off to the side of the window rather than directly in front.
- Use a UV-reflective or sticker-style deterrent to mark the window so birds don’t collide.
- Drawing interior blinds helps reflect outdoor conditions vs. a mirrored look.
With proper precautions, a window-side feeder can let you comfortably watch hummingbird activity for hours.
Here are some ideal setups:
Setup | Benefits |
Porch-mounted feeder near window | Shaded spot, clear approach for multiple directions |
Kitchen window feeder | Easy to see during everyday activities |
Feeder outside picture window | Unobstructed close-up views |
With a good window-side location, you’ll be able to comfortably watch the daily lives of your backyard hummingbirds!
Does placement above ground matter?
It’s best to position your hummingbird feeder at least 5 feet above the ground. Here are some reasons why height matters:
- Keeps it safely away from prowling cats and other predators
- Raises it above the sightline of dogs or other pets that could startle birds
- Prevents easy access by bears or other wildlife
- Allows it to be more visible to hummingbirds passing overhead
- Reduces disturbance from routine yard maintenance like mowing
You also want to avoid mounting feeders directly on ground posts or rising tree stumps, as those allow easy climbing access.
Ideally, position your feeder 5-7 feet up on a wire, hook, or post. This provides plenty of hovering room while minimizing risks.
Should it be positioned near other food sources?
It can be helpful to place hummingbird feeders near other natural food sources in your yard. Some ideas:
- Flower gardens or nectar-producing plants
- Fruiting shrubs or trees
- Water features like fountains or ponds
- Areas where you spread bird seed for other species
Having multiple food sources nearby means hummingbirds don’t have to travel as far to fulfill all their nutritional needs.
However, don’t place the feeder directly above or next to other feeding zones. Keep it at least 10-20 feet away so hummingbirds don’t have to compete for space.
Does color and positioning of other objects matter?
Hummingbirds see ultraviolet light and are particularly attracted to the color red. Strategically using these colors can help your feeder stand out:
- Place bright red ribbons or bows on nearby tree branches or posts.
- Paint a colorful pattern or dots on the post or hanger.
- Use a red feeder with yellow or white accents to maximize visibility.
- Supplement with red flowering plants like fuchsias and bee balms nearby.
Avoid positioning the feeder directly against similarly colored objects like wood trim or painted walls. Contrast helps the feeder pop out visually to hummingbirds.
Placing it in front of dark green, leafy backdrops can also help the vibrant colors stand out and catch their eye.
Should it be positioned near busy spaces?
Hummingbirds prefer to feed away from high-traffic areas. Here are some tips for positioning your feeder in a tranquil spot:
- Avoid placing it right next to a frequently used entry or walkway.
- Don’t mount it directly alongside seating areas like patios or decks.
- Position it away from noisy zones like near a pool filter or barking dogs.
- Face the feeder toward more secluded spaces in your landscape.
- Use foliage as a buffer between the feeder and busy areas.
Having some activity and watching humans is fine, but they want to be able to feed in relative peace. Position your feeder in a quiet corner of your yard that still allows you to enjoy watching them comfortably.
Should special precautions be taken for multiple feeders?
It’s fine to have multiple feeders, but special care should be taken. Here are some tips:
- Space additional feeders at least 10-20 feet apart to minimize territorial conflicts.
- Place them out of direct eyesight lines to create distinct zones.
- Match the capacity of each feeder to the expected usage so none run dry.
- Clean and rotate feeders regularly so fresh nectar is always available.
- Consider spreading feeders around different areas of your yard to attract more birds.
The key is preventing bullying at crowded feeders by creating distinct spaces. With proper spacing and care, multiple feeders can help support a greater number of hummingbirds.
Strategically placing your hummingbird feeder in the ideal spot can help attract more hummingbirds and keep them returning all season long. Consider the height, direction, and location carefully to create an appealing, safe, and comfortable feeding experience. With some finesse in your setup, you’ll have happy hummers buzzing around your yard from spring through fall.