Hummingbirds are known for their ability to hover in mid-air and sip nectar from flowers with their long slender beaks. Their diet is certainly dominated by sugary nectar, but these tiny birds also consume small insects for essential amino acids and fat. So yes, hummingbirds do eat insects and spiders to round out their diet.
Do hummingbirds eat insects?
While nectar is the main food source for hummingbirds, they get essential nutrients from eating insects and spiders. Hummingbirds have a very fast metabolism and need to consume between 3-7 times their body weight in nectar each day. Since nectar does not provide enough protein, fat, vitamins and minerals, hummingbirds meet their nutritional needs by eating small insects and spiders.
Some common insects that hummingbirds eat include:
- Ants
- Aphids
- Fruit flies
- Gnats
- Mosquitoes
- Spiders
- Thrips
- Whiteflies
Female hummingbirds especially need extra protein and fat in their diet when they are producing eggs and feeding their chicks. To obtain this vital nutrition, expectant mothers increase their consumption of tiny insects and spiders.
Hummingbirds have excellent vision to detect tiny insects and spiders in flowers or on leaves and stems. They use their slender beaks to swiftly capture crawling and flying insects. You may see hummingbirds hawk flying insects in midair just like a flycatcher bird. This insect-snatching behavior is called “hawking”.
How much of a hummingbird’s diet is insects?
Research estimates that insects and spiders account for 5-30% of a hummingbird’s total diet depending on the species. In comparison, approximately 60-90% of their diet is sugary nectar. The balance consists of tree sap and pollen.
During the breeding season when female hummingbirds are producing eggs, the proportion of insects and spiders in their diet rises to meet protein needs. One study of female Ruby-throated Hummingbirds found that up to 60% of their diet was made up of insects during the breeding season.
Why do hummingbirds eat insects and spiders?
Hummingbirds consume insects and spiders primarily for the nutrition as nectar itself does not provide enough protein, amino acids, vitamins, minerals and fat. Here are the main nutritional benefits hummingbirds obtain from eating small bugs:
- Protein – Essential for growth, development and replacing muscle tissue
- Amino acids – Building blocks for proteins including lysine which is not found in nectar
- Fat – High-energy food source
- Vitamins and minerals – Such as iron, zinc, magnesium, vitamin A and B vitamins
Without insects and spiders to provide these important nutritional components, hummingbirds would not get enough nutrition from nectar alone to survive.
What kinds of spiders do hummingbirds eat?
Hummingbirds have been observed feeding on a variety of small spider species including:
- Garden spiders
- Orb weaver spiders
- Crab spiders
- Jumping spiders
Tiny spiders end up snared in the sticky nectar of flowers, making them easy pickings for hungry hummingbirds. The birds don’t avoid eating spiders the way many other animals do. Their rapid metabolism demands they get nutrition wherever they can.
Do hummingbirds eat black widow spiders?
There is no evidence that hummingbirds intentionally prey on venomous black widow spiders. However, they likely ingest any tiny spiders swept up while foraging in flowers including potentially dangerous black widows. Fortunately, hummingbirds are not impacted by the neurotoxic venom in black widow spiders.
Do hummingbirds eat brown recluse spiders?
Like black widows, brown recluse spiders may end up as incidental prey when hummingbirds probe flowers with their beaks. Their tiny size means hummingbirds swallow them down without ill effects from venom. There is no indication that hummingbirds actively seek out brown recluse spiders to eat.
What insects do hummingbirds eat?
Hummingbirds feed on a wide variety of small soft-bodied insect species attracted to flowers and nectar including:
Tiny ants are apparently a tasty snack for hummingbirds. Ants often swarm on flowers, making themselves easy targets for hungry hummers. The birds simply lick the ants off petals and stems.
These sap-sucking, pear-shaped insects cling to plants in large groups, making for convenient finger-food. Aphids provide hummingbirds with essential amino acids missing from nectar.
Fruit flies
Hummingbirds appear to be opportunistic insectivores – eating whatever tiny insects they encounter. Swarms of fruit flies on overripe fruit present an all-you-can-eat buffet.
Tiny gnats are no match for the nimble beak of a hummingbird. Their small size makes them a perfect protein snack.
Hummingbirds have been observed snapping up mosquitoes and other small flying insects in midair. Their aerial insectivore behavior allows them to catch mosquitoes on the wing.
Similar to aphids, thrips often amass in flowers where they are easily picked off by hummingbirds.
Like many other sap-sucking flower pests, whiteflies provide easy nutrients in the form of essential amino acids.
Do hummingbird babies (chicks) eat insects?
Yes, mother hummingbirds will feed newly hatched chicks soft-bodied insects to provide the protein necessary for growth and development. Some insects fed to baby hummingbirds include:
- Aphids
- Fruit flies
- Gnats
- Mosquitoes
- Thrips
Female hummingbirds carry trapped insects and spiders back to the nest where they transfer the pre-digested bug mush directly into their chicks’ mouths. This supplementation of the nectar diet with high-protein insects helps chicks grow quickly.
How do hummingbirds catch insects?
Hummingbirds have a couple different insect-hunting techniques:
Hummingbirds use their slender pointed beaks to pick crawling and flying insects directly from flowers, leaves, branches and even spider webs. They flick their forked tongues to snatch bugs off vegetation.
In addition to gleaning stationary insects, hummingbirds capture flying insects by sallying out from perches to snatch them from midair. They exhibit impressive aerial agility to catch insect prey on the wing.
Why don’t insects and spiders hurt hummingbirds?
Even insects and spiders with toxic venom or stings do not negatively impact hummingbirds when ingested. Here are a few reasons why:
- The birds swallow bugs whole so venom cannot be injected.
- Their tiny bug prey simply does not contain enough venom to harm hummingbirds.
- They have a very rapid metabolism, quickly digesting and eliminating toxins.
- Hummingbirds may have a natural resistance to arthropod venoms.
So although spiders like black widows are highly toxic to humans, they appear harmless to hummingbirds who eat them as a regular part of their diet.
Do hummingbirds control pests?
In addition to gaining nutrition, hummingbirds may help control plant pests in gardens and farms by feeding on small flower- and sap-sucking insects. By reducing populations of destructive bugs such as aphids, thrips, fruit flies and spider mites, hummingbirds can be beneficial to gardens and orchards.
Hummingbirds are also valued by farmers for their role in pollination and controlling crop pests. For example, Hummingbird Hawkmoths are important pollinators of night-blooming flowers. The Ruby-Throated Hummingbird feeds on pests like aphids and thrips that damage tomatoes, peppers, apples and other crops.
Attracting wild hummingbirds is an eco-friendly way to naturally combat tiny insect pests. But keep in mind their main diet still revolves around nectar, tree sap and pollen – eating bugs is just a nutritional supplement!
Do hummingbirds eat mosquitoes that spread disease?
Hummingbirds provide natural mosquito control by feeding on adult mosquitoes as well as mosquito larvae. Scientists have documented hummingbirds visiting water sources like tree cavities and bromeliads where they prey on wriggling mosquito larvae.
Adult mosquitoes also end up in sticky nectar where they meet their demise in a hummingbird’s beak. By controlling mosquito populations, hummingbirds can reduce the spread of deadly illnesses like:
- Malaria
- Dengue fever
- Zika virus
- West Nile virus
Attracting wild hummingbirds to your yard helps lower mosquito numbers in the local ecosystem. Having these hungry insectivorous birds around is an organic way to decrease disease vectors.
Do hummingbirds get attracted by bug zappers?
There is no evidence that hummingbirds are drawn to bug zapper lights. However, commercial bug zappers may kill beneficial hummingbirds and other pollinators attracted to the ultraviolet light. Bug zappers also do not effectively control mosquitoes that spread disease.
A better solution than bug zappers for controlling insects while protecting hummingbirds is to use a mosquito misting system or fan that repels bugs.
What is the best way to attract hummingbirds?
Follow these tips to naturally attract hummingbirds to your garden:
- Plant native flowering plants that hummingbirds are adapted to pollinate
- Choose tubular red or orange flowers preferred by hummingbirds
- Avoid pesticides that kill insect prey
- Set up feeders with sugar-water (1 part sugar to 4 parts water)
- Place feeders in a visible location protected from predators
- Use red around feeders as an extra visual cue
- Provide a water source like a mister, fountain or bird bath
- Let dead trees remain for perching
Providing a natural habitat with plenty of flowers, food and water is the best way to bring hummingbirds into your garden.
While hummingbirds get most of their nutrition from nectar, they also need essential amino acids, fat, vitamins and minerals obtained by eating insects and spiders. Tiny bugs like gnats, mosquitoes, aphids and spiders make up 5-30% of the diet depending on the species. Females especially consume more insects while breeding and nesting. Hummingbirds use specialized hunting techniques like hawking and gleaning to capture bugs on the wing or sweeping them from leaves and petals. Their rapid metabolism allows them to eat spiders and other venomous insects without harm. By reducing plant pests and disease-carrying mosquitoes, hummingbirds bring ecological benefits beyond just their beauty.